Articles in this category

Adding a Table of Contents to Your Description

When you create a book using Youbooks, you can add a suggested table of contents (TOC) to your book description. This can help the AI understand how to structure your book.

Best Practices for Source Selection

Choosing the right sources can significantly improve the quality and relevance of your generated book. Follow these best practices:

Copyright and Usage Rights

The copyright status of your book depends on whether you chose the free or commercial option:

Cost Structure and Pricing

Youbooks provides AI-generated non-fiction books at a low cost solution. Below are the pricing details:

Distribution Options

While Youbooks does not offer direct publishing services, there are still several ways to distribute your commercial books:

Downloading Your Completed Book

Once your book has been created, you will receive it through two means:

Editing and Changing Your Book

There are no limitations on editing or changing any generated book, whether it is free or commercial version. You are encouraged to:


(Frequently Asked Questions)

Feedback and Suggestions

We appreciate your input and are continuously working on improving our service:

Free vs Commercial Books

Two types of books are available on Youbooks, free books and commercial books. Below are their differences explained:

How To Contact Support

In case of any issue or question feel free to reach out:

How to Create Your First AI-Generated Book

Here’s how to create your first book with Youbooks:

Indicating the Desired Word Count

To set your target word count:

Instructions for Writing a Good Book Description

The book description is the most important part of your AI-generated book. Here are some tips to make it effective:

Language options for book generation

There are two ways to generate a book in a Language other than English.

Optimizing Your Book for Specific Audiences

When creating a book for a specific audience, it's crucial to provide clear guidance in your book description. Here are some tips to optimize your book:

Output Types

When your AI-generated book is complete, it is provided by Youbooks in a number of different formats:

Quality Assurance

While striving for high-quality content creation, please keep in mind:

Refund Policy

We understand that sometimes AI-generated content may not meet your expectations. Here is what you need to know about our refund policy:

Selection And Utilization Of AI Models (ChatGPT vs Claude)

Two AI models used by Youbooks for book generation are:

Size limits and word count restrictions

An individual file should not exceed 10MB in size.

Specifying Writing Styles

Youbooks allows you to specify the writing style of the generated book.

Supported Book Types and Limitations

Youbooks is a platform that’s specifically designed for non-fiction books, and here are the main points you need to know about it:

Supported File Types and Size Limits

The following file types are supported by Youbooks when uploading a source:

Understanding Book Structure Options (Wide vs Deep)

The “wide vs deep” slider determines how content is organized within your book:

Uploading and Managing Sources

Youbooks is a platform that allows users to upload their own content sources in order to improve the generated book’s understanding of AI. Follow these steps to do it:

Using Youbooks for Commercial Purposes

Youbooks allows you to generate books for commercial use. Here's what you need to know:

Using and Purchasing Credits

Credits can be used as a means to save money on Youbooks projects. Here's how it works:

What is Youbooks?

Youbooks is an AI-powered book generator designed to create non-fiction books based on your descriptions and, optionally, additional content sources.