You can request a book in another language by mentioning the desired language in your description.
Just put it as part of your description prompt. you can also write your prompt in the language of your choice.
Most language requests work fine but quality might vary with less commonly used ones.
Example: "Please write this book in Spanish about the history of Latin American cuisine."
Do keep in mind that the AI’s proficiency varies across languages and is always good practice to have native speakers check for accuracy/fluency when dealing with content generated by non-native speakers.
You can also translate a finished book to any language
Once your book is finished, you can go to the Translate dashboard and request translations of that book into other languages.
The book you are translating can be in any language. However, English books will result to more accurate translations, so, if you want to translate a book to multiple languages, it's best that you write the original in English.
Note that, you can only translate paid (non-open-license) titles.