Free vs Commercial Books

Free Books:

Can be generated anytime for free of cost.

Maximum allowed words: 20,000 words

User provided sources cannot be included in them.

Book cannot be translated to other languages.

Published on Youbooks website which anyone can download from there!

Cannot be used for commercial purposes (non-commercial only).

Exclusive copyright rights are not given to user upon generation completion but rest everything remains same like other type etc.)

Commercial Books:

Payment required or credits usage necessary.

Word limit possible up till now: 150k words (can increase more later).

User provided sources allowed in them.

Can translate book to multiple languages.

Private books – Only creator can access it.

Exclusive copyright rights given to user upon generation completion of this type book etc.)

Can be used for commercial purposes i.e. sold on POD and ebook platforms etc.

Important Considerations:

Always choose Commercial if you plan to sell or monetize your book

Free are good for testing or non-commercial projects!

Publishing a free book commercially may result in ban of your publishing account.

Remember: whether you chose free or commercial book, after generation content can be edited without any limits imposed by us but it is always recommended to fact check AI generated contents before publishing or distributing them!

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Cost Structure and Pricing
Using and Purchasing Credits